My Words, My Thoughts, My Life, My Friends, My Work, My imaginations

WEEKLY QUOTE: Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, Something is out of tune.

Archive for the month “December, 2012”

See Me

Hey, I’m staring at you, yes you

I know u are looking at me
But can u SEE ME?

You see me the little girl naive and scared of everything
And has to run to daddy and mommy for every single thing
unsophisticated, cannot stand on her own two feet,
Doesn’t know her left from right or her right from wrong
But do you SEE ME the grown ass mature woman
Who can make her own decision and choices?
You see me the spoiled little boy, had everything handed to him
Ungrateful little brat, doesn’t think of anyone or anything but his damn self.
But do you SEE ME, the man trying to make the best of life,
Trying to make ends meet and provide for his loved ones?
You see me, the insecure girl, who is depressed, deprived,
self-conscious, oppressed, obsessed with trying too hard,
Cos she is afraid she’ll never be loved for who she is
But do you SEE ME the confident, stunning, beautiful independent,
Strong lady who has evolved?
You see me the douche bag, mean, lying, self-absorbed,
insensitive, ungrateful young man, ego as big as a bag of rice on my shoulder
But do you SEE ME, the selfless, considerate, sweet, amazingly incredible lover, who would do anything for his woman?
You see me the shallow, selfish, silly, dull, clumsy, wimp
But do you SEE ME the deep, intelligent, creative, brilliant guru
You see me your goofy bestfriend, always there when your heart has been broken, the shoulder to cry on when your world crumbles
But do you SEE ME the one that wants earnestly to be your soul mate and love you like no one else would?
I’m here, i’m there, I’m wherever you want me to be
Cos i can’t stop looking at you, i can’t stop staring at you
I’m screaming, whaling, scratching, digging
Trying so freaking hard to get your attention
Can’t you SEE ME? i’m right in front of you
and you don’t even know i’m there
You act like i don’t exist
No matter how hard I try or what I do, you keep staring at the “ME” u want to see
what am i to do now?
should i keeping standing in front of you
hoping, someday, somehow  you see me?
the “ME” that i want you to SEE?
the “ME” that the rest of the world sees?
Sometimes, i want to throw my hands up and say
Screw this shit, i don’t care anymore
But you are the one that matters
you are the one that needs to SEE ME.
So i’ll wait, through the hurt and the pain
Till you SEE ME

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My Words, My Thoughts, My Life, My Friends, My Work, My imaginations

WEEKLY QUOTE: Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, Something is out of tune.


the universe within.

Rex's Elements

The Chimera and Entity of Rex

Pixoetry by Phishaman

"Heart" expressed in pictures and words